Public Information Meeting Scheduled for Muddy Brook Bridges – Hillandale Road to Green’s Farms Road on March 7 at 7:00 PM
The Town of Westport will host a Public Information Meeting (PIM) on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium in Town Hall (110 Myrtle Avenue) to discuss flood mitigation measures and bridge replacements planned along Muddy Brook from Hillandale Road to Green’s Farms Road.
The meeting will be an opportunity to review the Hillandale Road Bridge Replacement Project, currently in design, and to learn about additional improvements being considered at the Center Street and Green’s Farms Road crossings of Muddy Brook. Discussion will include the extent of flood mitigation that is achievable through the proposed improvements. There will also be time to discuss and ask questions regarding any proposed impacts to the neighborhood.
Please contact the Town Engineer, Keith Wilberg, at kwilberg@westportct.gov or (203) 341-1128 should you have any questions regarding this project.